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Deborah Buck
Buck...was virtuosic and compelling; sublimely evoking all five senses.
Time Out New York Magazine (The Volume)

Monday, November 13, 2023Happy Daily Practice Thank you for taking the time to read this little news post!
It has been a fantastic year full of such a wide range of performing work with fabulous musicians from around the nation! I find that these days I am even more committed to my violin playing than I have been for many years! I delight in my daily practice.

I have continued to enjoy more recitals with pianist and friend, Orli Shaham, and finally premiered, “DEBut” written for me by John Harbison. I've loved playing several
concerti at Washington Friends of Music (CT) and chamber music at Sands Point Preserve in Long Island . In December 2023, I look forward to another concert at MoMA Towers (NYC) and another BargeMusic (NYC) recital with Orion Weiss in May 2024!

At the beginning of this last season, I was appointed as the Concertmaster of Orchestra Lumos (formerly, Stamford Symphony) and was happy to bounce around a bit as a guest concertmaster of both the Phoenix Symphony and the West Virginia Symphony. I will be guest-leading the Youngstown Symphony in Ohio in January 2024.

My work on behalf of the Kinhaven Music School continues to nourish me even though we have not had a “normal” summer for several years – the pandemic and floods made this tough job so much more challenging. Despite all of these challenges, we have thrived because of our incredible community. Since leaving the Kinhaven Senior Session Faculty in 2021, I have been able to focus more as Kinhaven’s Co-Executive Director while also maintaining an active performing career at various summer music festivals.

As Head of Strings and Chamber Music at SUNY Purchase, I continue to teach lovely young violinists. This year, (my tenth!!), I created a student-run chamber music series called, “Out & About!”. This series features our chamber music groups at venues from around the New York metropolitan area, including one at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The students are learning every aspect of how to produce concerts, and they are loving it!

I am grateful for the music in my life and the many ways in which I get to share it. I am also thankful to so many behind the scenes folks that make all of it possible!

Sunday, August 28, 2022Thank YouHi Everyone!

This is just a note to say:
for visiting my website!

I hope you find what you need, and even better if you enjoy what you see and hear while you roam about!

Be Well!

Monday, February 14, 2022Grateful Times Hi Everyone! I hope that as you read this, you are well!

I am ever so grateful for this past year of performances and exciting projects! I consider myself one of the lucky musicians who have had many opportunities to perform and share music with audiences.

In early October, I performed again at the Four Seasons in Music series (Sands Point, NY). This series is on a Preserve in Long Island that features the Guggenheim Estate. It is quite impressively gorgeous – think Downton Abbey!

I was beyond honored, excited, and a little pinch-myself-nervous for my preparation with composer John Harbison for his Solo Violin Suite. Zoom came in handy for us both as we worked through these short pieces, one of which was written for me called, ”DEBut”. I recorded this work at SUNY Purchase Performing Arts Center in NY with producer Silas Brown and his wonderful Purchase Conservatory sound engineering students.

On February 11th, 2022, I had the honor of performing three recitals with pianist Orli Shaham for the Kauffman Center’s Musical Storefronts series. What a gift this series is to NYC culture! Orli and I had so much fun with our “62nd/Broadway street audience” and loved premiering Bruce Adolphe’s “Fantastia on Beethoven’s Spring Sonata”. He wrote this for me in 2019.

This is the second year that I have had the honor of playing on the Music for Food, NYC series led by Artistic Director, Natasha Brofsky. This event raised enough money to provide for over two thousand meals to folks in need. It goes without saying that it is incredibly gratifying to know that our music can help others in this way.

I am now in my fifth year with the Stamford Symphony as Acting Concertmaster. I continue to enjoy how much this ensemble feels like a family. The orchestra has such an amazing team comprised of a stellar CEO, Board, and staff who have supported the musicians throughout the pandemic. SSO has such an exciting strategic plan -- more to come on that, later!

I will be spending a short time with the West Virginia Symphony as their Guest Concertmaster in late April/early May. I look forward to working with my friend and conductor, Larry Loh and the musicians in Charleston, WV.

My students at SUNY Purchase are wonderful young people who make my marathon Wednesdays so fulfilling! I also run the Purchase Chamber Music Program which serves strings, guitar, piano, winds, and some brass. It’s a whopper of a job, but come the month of May, it is exhilarating to hear so many groups perform such varying and impressive music!

This summer I will perform in Colorado at the Music off the Hooks Arts Festival and the Telluride MusicFest. Now in my twenty-second summer, I will once again be at the Kinhaven Music School, where I will be barefoot and surrounded by a tremendous community of faculty, staff, and students, on forty acres of glorious land in Weston, Vermont!

As I look at my music stand, I see the music that I will be preparing for this next batch of concerts which represents opportunity! Again, I am GRATEFUL. I look forward to performing many new works, working with new artist friends, and finding compelling ways to communicate music and its beauty through my violin.

Saturday, May 23, 2020Life!What strange times we are living in! This next week was supposed to be a huge one for me — a concert at Sands Point Preserve in Long Island, a concert for the Garden City Chamber Music Society, and Kinhaven Music School’s Gala in NYC, all within a 3 day span. My life’s default setting of rushing, rushing, and more rushing around was my normal mode of operation! Now, life is moving slowly, and at the same time I find myself asking, “where did April and May go?!” Ah well, it is what it is, and my family continues to feel grateful for all that we have and our good health.

Prior to the pandemic world and my new post-Lark Quartet musical life, I was juggling performing chamber music with new colleagues in NYC, teaching and heading up the chamber music program at SUNY Purchase College Conservatory of Music, co-directing Kinhaven, and enjoying raising two young human beings with my husband.

During my seventeen years in the Lark Quartet, I was lucky enough to be a part of creating many commissioning projects by several of America’s most prized composers. This year brought something new! One of my life’s greatest honors is to have received my first commission for solo violin by John Harbison, entitled “DEBut”. It is a beautiful piece that is lyrical and clever.
This past January, I received another commission written for violin and piano entitled “Fantasia on Beethoven’s Spring Sonata” by Bruce Adolphe. Before writing this piece, Bruce was kind enough to ask me what I was currently performing. My answer to him was, “Beethoven!” — I was preparing about 15 different chamber works because his 250th birthday! Both of these commissions were made possible by a SUNY Purchase Faculty Research Grant. I look forward to recording this music soon!

As Assistant Professor of Violin and Head of Chamber Music at SUNY Purchase, I continue to teach and coach young musicians. The need to quickly adapt our instruction of chamber music, which I define as a living-breathing-feeling-music -with-one-another experience, into a remote model, posed quite a challenge for me. I became quite involved in how to create a curriculum that maintained at it’s core the principals of this performance art. By semester’s end, I was relieved to hear from
the students themselves that score study, listening analysis, playing for one another, all brought them to a better place of understanding. It provided a sincere connection to the music they were studying and to one another.

This past week, I have been lucky enough to connect to many of my esteemed colleagues around the country in order to gather stories of “what actually worked” in their remote chamber music curriculum. The fact that I have had time to chat with these great artists and pedagogues to dig deep into what it means to teach and coach chamber music has been invaluable. I recognize that these conversations would probably not have happened had it not been for this crisis.

I have been lucky enough to lead orchestras around this country. My position of Concertmaster of the Brooklyn Philharmonic until 2013 was a highlight. For the past three seasons, I have served as the Concertmaster for the Stamford Symphony. Many of my close Brooklyn Phil colleagues are members of the Stamford Symphony. This orchestra is comprised of NYC musicians, a stellar administration, and gracious board members. Led by CEO, Russell Jones, the SSO figures out a way to pay the orchestra members a respectable amount of lost wages from the canceled concerts in March and April. This says so much about this organization. I respect and admire my excellent colleagues and am excited for the recent hire of our new Music Director, Michael Stern.

Kinhaven continues to be my third child. It has always existed as a beacon for the end of my demanding season. For the past ten years, my husband and I have led this school as Co-Executive Directors, overseeing five sessions that span from late May through August. As we are navigating through what it would require to run a safe 2020 Senior and Junior sessions, we are incredibly grateful for the enormous help we continue to receive from our Kinhaven Task Force. This informed group includes doctors, board members, faculty, parents, camp directors, testing company executives, and Vermont healthcare professionals. We are consumed by the decision to run or not every day — we make our final decision by June 1st.

I have always been an optimist, so I sign off by expressing what I know we all wish for which is a rich artistic life on the other side of this pandemic. For now, I will keep practicing, teaching, and taking care of myself and my family. I send my wishes of good health out to all of you!

August 15, 2018Finally, an Update!It has been a full and wonderful year in my musical life ! I am busy with a versatile career as the first violinist of the Lark Quartet, Co-Executive Director and Faculty Concerts Series Curator of the Kinhaven Music School, Assistant Professor of Violin and Head of Chamber Music at SUNY Purchase College Conservatory of Music, and Acting Concertmaster of the Stamford Symphony.
The Lark Quartet celebrated our 30th anniversary by commissioning four new works by American composers Kenji Bunch, John Harbison, Andrew Waggoner and Anna Weesner. Kenji Bunch’s Megalopolis had its world premiere during our 2017/18 season at the University of Iowa (who also co-commissioned the work), while Andrew Waggoner’s string octet and John Harbison’s String Quartet No. 6 were premiered at a special celebration at Carnegie Hall’s Weill Hall to conclude our anniversary year. Anna Weesner’s clarinet quintet will be premiered on September 17, 2018, with clarinetist Romie de Guise-Langlois with the The Chamber Music Society of Salt Lake City in Utah. *We will record these works for commercial release in 2019*.
In addition to the September 17 concert in Utah, we will present 3 house concerts in New York City on November 8, 2018, February 7 and April 4, 2019. We will also perform 3 concerts at the Sands Point Preserve.
My husband and I welcomed over 90 high school-aged students from around the country and 50 faculty and staff to the green mountains of Vermont to join us once again (18 years and counting for me!) for the Kinhaven Music School’s Senior Session, 2018 in Weston, Vermont. I had my usual time of “off-the-grid” living where I immersed myself in music and nature. Every summer I notice how my practice is intensified in it’s focus, allowing me to go deeper into whatever I am currently working on. The students that I worked with on solo, chamber, and orchestral music made me feel exhilarated no matter the level of expertise; their passion to learn was there!
I was especially excited by one of our guests, Body Mapping and Andover Educator, Jane Murray who introduced me and our study body to this technique; an off-shoot of the Alexander Technique. The idea of learning the truth about the way the body is suppose to move goes right along with my never-ending quest for mastering my own efficiency with the violin. This technique and information just adds to my “tool-shed” and gives me more to share with my students.
We had record numbers of audience in attendance for the Saturday night Faculty Concert Series. The new Pre-Concert Wine and Cheese was enormously successful and allowed us to meet so many more community members from Weston, and the surrounding towns in Vermont. I was enormously impressed with the level of artistry by the Kinhaven Senior Session Faculty. I have already planned the five-concert series for 2019 and am so excited about yet another summer of diverse programming. The concerts will feature music by Haydn, Brahms, Jennifer Higdon, Nic Scherzinger, Milhaud, Shostakovich, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Dutilluex, Dvorak, Wourinen, Schubert, Eric Ewazen, and Turina –wow! Come check it out!!
I am thankful for my job, my students, colleagues, and beautiful studio at Purchase College Conservatory of Music in upstate, NY. I am welcoming some new students soon and will begin (on Monday 8/20) creating groups for the chamber music program. My Performance Class will welcome guests that focus on injury prevention and better health in the practice room, which I hope means better performance experience. Our chamber concerts will be in December and May.

Stamford Symphony is full of wonderfully accomplished New York City musicians. I am quite honored to have been named the Acting Concertmaster for the 2018-19 season. Many of my Brooklyn Philharmonic colleagues are in this orchestra, so it is a blast to make music with them again! In March 2019, I get to perform as a soloist in Haydn’s Sinfonia Concertante with Melanie, Carrie, and Cynde! Let’s go, girls!

My life is just right when I can balance my family world with performance practice, teaching, and my passion for running and yoga practice. I am excited to move forward through the fall and into 2019!

January 6, 2016January NewsHello and Thank you for taking the time to visit my website. As I begin 2016 with some time to re-group and gear up for the next part of the season, I realize what a whirlwind September through December have been! This fall, I began a full time position as Visiting Assistant Professor of Violin at SUNY Purchase Conservatory of Music. (I have been part-time for two years) I absolutely love the environment at Purchase because the faculty is committed to the art of teaching and are active, current performers on the scene themselves. The students are supportive, collaborative, and so far remind me much of our students at the Kinhaven Music School.

The Lark had one of the busiest fall seasons that I can remember. We played concerts all over the map but did wind up in Virginia quite a bit! We have focused ourselves on the celebration of the 30th year of the Lark Quartet’s existence. In keeping with our long history of commissioning American composers, we have commissioned five composers to write pieces that feature some of our collaborative formations. John Harbison and Stephen Hartke have both agreed to write string quartets for us. Kenji Bunch will be writing a piece for percussion and string quartet. Frame-drum specialist, Yousif Sheronick will join us for this. Anna Weesner will write for our quartet and clarinetist, Todd Palmer. Last but not least, Andrew Waggoner will write an octet for us to play with the original Larks! 2016-17, 18 will feature all of this great music in concert halls around the country—it will be exciting!
As far as my summer life goes, Kinhaven remains my place of joy. It provides a tech-free environment where I feel my spirit and mind can reconnect to the very things that inspire my artistic soul. Our recruitment is going well and we look forward to inviting back many fine young people to Weston, VT. We are a total of about 130 people, but it feels like a big family for sure. We still need lots of support to carry us forward, so please keep our non-profit in mind for tax-deductable gifts, and thank you!

November 13, 2015Lark Quartet-SUNY Purchase-Kinhaven Music SchoolThis Fall has been a whopper! My time with the Lark Quartet has been spent focused on performing Beethoven's String Quartet, Op. 132. We have had a tremendously active concert fall season with concerts that have introduced us to new audiences. As I get older, I have a different sense of these audience members and am beginning to see what they must experience when chossing to attend a quartet concert. Presenting Op. 132 to these folks has been a truly gratifying experience. has brought us many opportunities to experience this great piece to stew inside of us. It has been a tough and rewarding journey that has made me feel proud and extremely lucky to experience.
I began my first year as a full-tim professor at SUNY Purchase, welcoming in seven new students to my class! What a joy they have been. I continue to work on bringing us (the violins) together, to continue to learn and expolre all aspects of what it is to perform.

February 4, 2014Composing America CD released on Bridge RecordsI am very happy and proud to announce that the Lark Quartet has recorded four works by American Pulitzer Prize winning composers Copland, Adams, Bolcom & Moravec with guests Jeremy Denk, Stephen Salters & Yousif Sheronick. Thanks to everyone who supported us in getting this album completed and we hope you will enjoy our take on these remarkable works. Judith Sherman produced this CD and it was recorded at SUNY Purchase.
January 21, 2014January NewsHello and Thank you for taking the time to visit my website. As I begin 2014 with some time to re-group and gear up for the next part of the season, I realize what a whirlwind September through December have been! This fall, I began my new job as Assistant Professor of Violin at SUNY Purchase Conservatory of Music. I absolutely love the environment there because the faculty is inspiring and the students are good-natured, supportive of one another, and eager to work hard and learn. I coached a wide variety of great chamber music, which included George Crumbs’, Voice of the Whale, Dvorak’s E-flat String Quartet, Dohnanyi’s Serenade, a Brahms Violin Sonata, Weber’s Trio for Flute, Cello, and Piano, and was happily impressed by the standard of music making at the semester-end chamber music performances. I look forward to this coming semester and especially to the Violin Performance classes. I welcome any potential students to stop by and hear this class on Wednesday’s from 3-4:30pm.

The Lark had one of the busiest fall seasons that I can remember. As we launched and successfully achieved our “Composing America” CD Kickstarter campaign, the quartet was busy! We played great concerts in Princeton, Brooklyn, Bronxville, Manhattan, New Jersey, to name just a few. We performed on NYC’s Music Monday’s the music of Nico Muhly with wonderful colleagues, Todd Palmer, Aaron Wunsch, and Jennifer Zetlan. Our Lark About Town series that provides free concerts to the public where access is limited was very successful. This initiative allowed us to perform at Cassita Maria and at the Girls Global Learning Center in the Bronx. We look forward to more of these ways to give back to our community.
Bridge Records released our CD featuring the music of Jennifer Higdon last year and is gearing up for the early February release of the next CD, “Composing America” featuring pianist Jeremy Denk and some of our greatest American composers: John Adams, Aaron Copland, Paul Moravec, and William Bolcom. With John Adams’ blessing, percussionist Yousif Sheronick arranged a part for himself to go along with the string quartet parts of “John’s Book of Alleged Dances”. Check out the video for background and detailed explanation of the percussion used for this piece—pretty darn cool! We commissioned “Billy in the Darbies”, written by William Bolcom for baritone singer, Stephen Salters and our quartet. The large piece on the CD is the Piano Quintet by Paul Moravec, written for Jeremy Denk and the Lark. So, as you can see, as the Lark progresses through our string quartet life, we hold dear the tradition of commissioning, premiering, and advancing the good work of some of our country's most acclaimed composers.

As far as my summer life is concerned, Kinhaven remains my “third child”. A day does not go by without love and care paid to this beautiful and unique organization. From endearing parental calls about the special needs of one’s child to programming our summer senior session orchestra repertoire, I am never bored! I am also heavily involved in building a sound financial future for Kinhaven. We still need lots of support to carry us through, so please keep our non-profit in mind for tax-deductable gifts, and thank you!
In December, we had a benefit at Robert and Lenore Davis’ upper west-side apartment. Kinhaven junior and senior students performed chamber music for the sixty-plus member audience. A warm and comfortable Kinhaven energy was in the air! I am incredibly thankful to the Lark Quartet for performing with Lenore Davis at this event. So now in February, we begin the audition schedule for our 2014 class of students. I am very excited to hear everyone and to see the summer take shape. For senior session, we will have five terrific conductors that will lead our students through some pretty awesome repertoire and they are: Timothy Weiss, David Hattner, William Wiedrich, David Buck (yes my father), and Simon Lipskar. The repertoire includes, Berlioz’ Symphony Fantastique, Wagner’s Rienzi Overture, Tchaikovsky’s Sixth Symphony, Strauss’ Death and Transfiguration, and Rachmaninoff’s Symphonic Suite. Check out the Kinhaven website to find out more about audition and summer concert dates. Please also consider visiting us in VT this summer—I promise, you will LOVE it!

September 1, 2011Hello and thank you for taking the time to look at my site!Life continues to be exciting. Tony and I just finished our first summer as Executive Directors of the Kinhaven Music School. We led a Senior Session of 94 fabulous students and 30 top notch staff through a wonderful musical summer. The kids were not to be forgotten and as always, relationships were formed that will be long lasting. It was truly an honor to begin our work there and put into place a plan for the rich future of Kinhaven. I thank all my wonderful colleagues and friends who supported us all the way! Luca and Tahlia loved Vermont with their favorite pastime being salamander catching and mud dunking (full body-ugh!)

Currently, I am in my eighth season with the LARK Quartet as first violinist. This month, the LARK Quartet will continue our preparations for a recording for Bridge Records of a CD to feature the music of Jennifer Higdon. We will be recording with pianist, Gary Graffman, clarinetist, Todd Palmer, and pianist, Blair McMillan. This CD project will largely be made possible by a Copland Recording Grant we received a while back. Lark's Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 season looks good. We will be performing in California, Washington D.C., Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and New York. Our Spring 2012 plans are to begin recording an all Paul Moravec cd. The featured work on this recording will be Paul's Piano Quintet which we premiered with Jeremy Denk at Merkin Recital Hall in April, 2010. Jeremy Denk will be joining us for this exciting project.

I am so relieved and excited to report that the Brooklyn Philharmonic is back on it's feet. I have served as it's tenured Concertmaster since 2009. Newly appointed Artistic Director, Alan Pierson is a fantastic musician and collaborator--expect great things! Our first concert of the season is on October 8th in New York City. As part of the Brooklyn Phiharmonic's chamber music series at the Brooklyn Museum of Art, my annual recital will take place on January 29th, 2012.

In September, I will be traveling home to Altadena, CA to perform with the LARK ate Scipps College and also to play a recital with my college buddy and fabulous pianist, Robert Thies in Claremont, CA. The program is unusually traditional!

I would like to take the time to write that I feel extremely fortunate to have such a varied career. I am surrounded by amazing musicians who continue to inspire me and allow me the opportunity to grow. I am honored to have been chosen for the Directorship of the Kinhaven Music School and energized by the chance to contribute all that I can. It is a magical place where kids who "like" music end up "loving" music for the rest of their lives. For those of you that are less familiar with it, please check out the website. Feel free to write to me with any inquiries.

Be Well My Friends!


Praised by The Strad for her “surpassing degree of imagination and vibrant sound,” violinist Deborah Buck has built a rich and varied musical career as a chamber musician--including 17 years with the celebrated Lark Quartet, as well as a concertmaster, pedagogue, soloist, recording artist, and artistic director.
Highlights of recent performances and exciting projects include recitals with pianists Orli Shaham and Orion Weiss. Buck’s summer concerts have taken her to Telluride’s Chamber Music Festival (CO), Washington Friends of Music Summer Festival (CO), Sands Point: Four Seasons of Music (NYC) and Music oT the Hook Arts Music Festival (CO). Other notable news includes the honor of having received two commissions written for her: John Harbison’s DeBut for solo violin, and Fantasia on Beethoven’s Spring Sonata for violin and piano by Bruce Adolphe.
For seventeen years, Buck was a member of the critically acclaimed Lark Quartet (2002- 2019). The quartet was especially recognized for its extensive commissioning and boundary-pushing programming. They were one of the first quartets to oTer programs featuring string quartet plus percussion, clarinet, voice, or piano, and recorded works by American composers such as John Harbison, Jennifer Higdon, Aaron J. Kernis, Daniel Bernard Romain (DBR), and Paul Moravec; many of which are included in their extensive discography found on Endeavor, Koch, Arabesque, and Bridge Record labels. Buck has also recorded for the motion picture and television industry, including featured violin solos in the re-mastered American Silent Film classic, The Scarlet Letter (Turner Classic Movies). Her national television debut came by way of a featured guest spot on the Family Channel’s It Takes Two, hosted by Dick Clark.
Buck made her Lincoln Center concerto debut in 1997 with the Little Orchestra Society of New York. As a recitalist, she has performed at The Phillips Collection in Washington, D.C.; the Dame Myra Hess Series in Chicago for WFMT; the Brooklyn Museum of Art; and over the airways via “Sunday’s Live” on Los Angeles’s KKGO. Buck served as the tenured concertmaster of the Brooklyn Philharmonic from 2008-2013, concertmaster of the Los Angeles Opera Guild and St. Matthew’s Chamber Orchestra (L.A), and has just recently led the Phoenix, West Virginia, and Youngstown Symphony Orchestras as Guest Concertmaster. In 2022, Music Director, Michael Stern appointed Ms. Buck as Concertmaster of Orchestra Lumos (formerly Stamford Symphony).
Since 2014, Ms. Buck has held the positions of Head of Strings and Chamber Music and Assistant Professor of Violin at SUNY Purchase Conservatory of Music. This year, Ms. Buck created a new student-run public chamber music series called, “Out & About!” that will culminate in two days of student chamber music group performances at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Ms. Buck has served as Co-Executive Director and concert series curator of the Kinhaven Music School in Weston, Vermont since 2011. She served on the Kinhaven Senior Session violin faculty for twenty-two years.
A native of Los Angeles, Deborah Buck spent her primary years studying with Michael and Irina Tseitlin. She was a recipient of both a Starling scholarship and a Martin Kaltman Foundation scholarship while earning her Bachelor of Music degree at The Juilliard School, where she was a student of Dorothy DeLay and Masao Kawasaki. Buck also holds a Master of Music Degree from the University of Southern California, where she studied with Robert Lipsett and was awarded the Jascha Heifetz Violin Scholarship. Her many awards also include a Los Angeles Philharmonic’s Corwin Foundation Grant, a Leni Fe Bland Career Grant, Winner of the National Contemporary Record Society Competition.New Canaan, CT. Buck’s summer concerts have taken her to Telluride’s Chamber Music Festival (CO), Washington Friends of Music Summer Festival (CO), Sands Point: Four Seasons of Music (NYC) and Music off the Hook Arts Music Festival (CO). Other notable news includes the honor of having received two commissions: John Harbison’s DeBut for solo violin, and Fantasia on Beethoven’s Spring Sonata for violin and piano by Bruce Adolphe.

For seventeen years, Buck was a member of the critically acclaimed Lark Quartet (2002-2019). The quartet was especially recognized for its extensive commissioning and boundary-pushing programming. They were one of the first quartets to offer programs featuring string quartet plus percussion, clarinet, voice, or piano, and recorded works by American composers such as John Harbison, Jennifer Higdon, Aaron J. Kernis, Daniel Bernard Romain (DBR), and Paul Moravec; many of which are included in their extensive discography found on Endeavor, Koch, Arabesque, and Bridge Record labels. Buck has also recorded for the motion picture and television industry, including featured violin solos that helped breathe life back into the re-mastered American Silent Film classic, The Scarlet Letter (Turner Classic Movies). Her national television debut came by way of a featured guest spot on the Family Channel’s It Takes Two, hosted by Dick Clark.

Buck made her Lincoln Center concerto debut in 1997 with the Little Orchestra Society of New York. As a recitalist, she has performed at The Phillips Collection in Washington, D.C.; the Dame Myra Hess Series in Chicago for WFMT; the Brooklyn Museum of Art; and over the airways via “Sunday’s Live” on Los Angeles’s KKGO. Buck served as the tenured concertmaster of the Brooklyn Philharmonic from 2008-2013, concertmaster of the Los Angeles Opera Guild and St. Matthew’s Chamber Orchestra (L.A), and has just recently led the Phoenix, West Virginia, and Youngstown Symphony Orchestras as Guest Concertmaster. In 2022, Music Director, Michael Stern appointed Ms. Buck as Concertmaster of Orchestra Lumos (formerly Stamford Symphony).

Since 2014, Ms. Buck has held the positions of Head of Strings and Chamber Music and Assistant Professor of Violin at SUNY Purchase Conservatory of Music. This year, Ms. Buck created a new student-run public chamber music series called, “Out & About!” that will culminate in two days of student chamber music group performances at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Ms. Buck has served as Co-Executive Director and concert series curator of the Kinhaven Music School in Weston, Vermont since 2011. She served on the Kinhaven Senior Session violin faculty for twenty-two years.

A native of Los Angeles, Deborah Buck spent her primary years studying with Michael and Irina Tseitlin. She was a recipient of both a Starling scholarship and a Martin Kaltman Foundation scholarship while earning her Bachelor of Music degree at The Juilliard School, where she was a student of Dorothy DeLay and Masao Kawasaki. Buck also holds a Master of Music Degree from the University of Southern California, where she studied with Robert Lipsett and was awarded the Jascha Heifetz Violin Scholarship. Her many awards also include a Los Angeles Philharmonic’s Corwin Foundation Grant, a Leni Fe Bland Career Grant, Winner of the National Contemporary Record Society Competition.

Buck...was virtuosic and compelling; sublimely evoking all five senses.
Time Out New York Magazine (The Volume)
Buck has the soul of a great soloist-the great burnished sound drenched in beauty and the burning intelligence that plumbs music of its secrets.The Charleston Gazette
Particularly impressive was Deborah Buck who played with a surpassing degree of imagination and vibrant sound.The Strad
The program concluded with a vigorous rendition of Schumann’s popular Piano Quintet. Mr. Denk offered a dynamic reading of the piano part, and the Lark members — Deborah Buck and Harumi Rhodes, violinists; Kathryn Lockwood, violist; and Caroline Stinson, cellist — performed with conviction and flair.Vivien SchweitzerThe New York Times
...read more

Upcoming Performances

Sunday, November 03, 2024Ringwood Friends of Music Ringwood, NJ All Faure program with JuliaBruskin and Aaron Wunsch more info...
Saturday, November 09, 2024Orchestra Lumos Stamford, CT
Sunday, November 10, 2024Orchestra Lumos Stamford, CT
Saturday, November 23, 2024Reflections in Music, Sag Harbor, NY Sag Harbor more info...
Sunday, November 24, 2024Lyrica Chamber Music Piano Quartets w/ Ani Kalayjian and Orion Presbyterian Church Chatham, NJ more info...
Saturday, November 30, 2024Taconic Music, Manchester, VT Manchester, VT more info...
Sunday, January 12, 2025Four Seasons of Music Sands Point Port Washington, NY
view map
Saturday, February 22, 2025Orchestra Lumos Stamford, CT
Sunday, February 23, 2025Orchestra Lumos Stamford, CT
Sunday, April 13, 2025GatherNYC - Deborah Buck - Recital GatherNYC more info...
Sunday, April 27, 2025Small Spaces Duo Recital-Deborah Buck and Orli Shaham (OrchWestport Library Westport, CT Beethoven Sonata No. 8 in G Major
Franck Sonata
Saturday, May 10, 2025Recital at Pequot LibraryPequot LibrarySouthport, CTTBA more info...
view map
Sunday, May 18, 2025Small Spaces Duo Recital "Side by Side" Caroline Stinson and DebJessie Montgomery Duo for violin and cello
Ravel Duo
and more...
Saturday, May 24, 2025Orchestra Lumos Stamford, CT
Sunday, May 25, 2025Orchestra Lumos Stamford, CT
Tuesday, June 27- July 4 2025Telluride Chamber Music Festival -- MusicFest

Past Performances

Thursday, October 10, 2024Reflections in Music : Greenwich Music House Greenwich House Music School - Renee Weiler Concert HallNew York, NYmore info...
Sunday, October 06, 2024Orchestra Lumos Stamford, CT
Saturday, October 05, 2024Orchestra Lumos Stamford, CT
Friday, September 06, 2024Washington Friends of Music Washington, Connecticut
Saturday, July 20, 2024Faculty Concert, Kinhaven, VTKinhaven Music School, Concert Hall Weston, VT Brahms B-flat Sextet
Sunday, July 14, 2024Four Seasons of Music Sands Point Port Washington, NY
Sunday, July 07, 2024Telluride MusicFest Telluride, CO
Sunday, July 5, 2024Telluride MusicFest Telluride, CO
Saturday, June 30, 2024Telluride MusicFest Telluride, CO
Thursday, June 06, 2024Masterclass at Kinhaven Young Artist SeminarKinhaven Concert Hall Weston, VTChamber Music Groups more info...
Saturday, June 01, 2024Deborah Buck and Orion Weiss BargeMusic, NYC Brooklyn, NYBeethoven Piano and Violin Sonatas: 2& 5
Franck: Sonata for Violin and Piano
more info...
Tuesday, May 21, 2024Chamber Music at Duke University Gardens Durham, NC
Sunday, May 19, 2024Four Seasons of Music Sands Point Port Washington, NY
Sunday, May 05, 2024Scheherazade with Orchestra Lumos Palace Theatre, Stamford, CT Stamford, CTRimsky Korsakov: Scheherazade
Quinn Mason: A Joyous Trilogy
Grieg: Piano Concerto
more info...
Saturday, May 04, 2024SCHEHERAZADE Orchestra Lumos at the Palace Theatre, Stamford, CT Stamford, CTRimsky Korsakov: Scheherazade
Quinn Mason: A Joyous Trilogy
Grieg: Piano Concerto
more info...
Monday, April 01, 2024Masterclass at West Chester College, PA West Chester University West Chester, PA
Sunday, March 10, 2024The Miracle of Mozart / Orchestra Lumos The Miracle of Mozart Stamford, CT Mozart Symphony 41 and more
Saturday, March 09, 2024The Miracle of Mozart / Orchestra Lumos The Miracle of Mozart Stamford, CT Mozart Symphony 41 and more more info...
Tuesday, March 05, 2024Whitney and the Wolf / Chamber Players of Orchestra Lumos Stamford, CT Children's program
Friday, February 23, 2024 Masterclass at NYUNYU Steinhardt’s Department of Music and Performing ArtsNew York, NY
Sunday, February 04, 2024RECITAL: Deborah Buck and Orli Shaham First Presbyterian New CanaanNew Canaan, CT"Inspired by Clara Schumann"

Clara Schumann -Romances
Amanda Maier - Sonata for Violin and Piano
Brahms - Scherzo
Jessie Montgomery - Peace
Robert Schumann - Sonata No. 1
Sunday, January 21, 2024(Guest Concertmaster) Youngstown Symphony Youngstown, OH Quinn Mason - Toast of the Town
Ludwig van Beethoven - violin concerto
Sergei Rachmaninoff - Symphonic Dances
more info...
Sunday, January 14, 2024Small Space Concerts - Chamber Music Orchestra Lumos Stamford Nature Center Museum Stamford,CT
Wednesday, December 06, 2023MoMA Chamber Music Series, NYC New York, NY Dvorak Viola Quintet
Saturday, November 25, 2023Taconic Chamber Players Allen Shawn: Sleepless Night Beethoven: String Quartet Op. 18/3
Sunday, November 12, 2023Orchestra Lumos Stamford, CT Gabriela Lena Frank: Elegia Andida
Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No. 2
Edward Elgar: Variations on an Original Theme, Op. 36, Enigma
Saturday, November 11, 2023Orchestra Lumos Stamford, CT Gabriela Lena Frank: Elegia Andida
Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No. 2
Edward Elgar: Variations on an Original Theme, Op. 36, Enigma
Tuesday, October 24, 2023Environmental Symphony - NYCity Opera UN Day New York , Ny more info...
Sunday, October 22, 2023Schubert's Farewell St Paul'sNorwalk, CT Luigi Boccherini: Night Music if the Streets of Madrid
Franz Schubert: String Quintet in C Major, D. 596
Sunday, October 15, 2023A Bohemian Rhapsody - Orchestra Lumos Stamford, CT Alejandra Odgers - Toni alossaan
Robert Schumann - Symphony No. 4
Antonio Dvorak - Violin concerto with Midori
more info...
Saturday, October 14, 2023A Bohemian Rhapsody -Orchestra Lumos Stamford, CT Alejandra Odgers - Toni alossaan
Robert Schumann - Symphony No. 4
Antonio Dvorak - Violin concerto with Midori
more info...
Friday, September 08, 2023Washington Friends of Music Washington, CR
Friday, August 25, 2023Washington Friends of Music Washington, CT
Friday, August 18, 2023Washington Friends of Music Washington, CT
Sunday, July 16, 2023Kinhaven Faculty Concert Series Weston, Vermont Brahms F Major Viola Quintet and More....!
Sunday, July 09, 2023Four Seasons of Music Sands Point Preserve Port Washington, NY
Friday, June 30, 2023Telluride MusicFest
Thursday, June 29, 2023Telluride MusicFest
Wednesday, June 28, 2023Telluride MusicFest
Tuesday, June 27, 2023Telluride MusicFest
Monday, June 26, 2023Telluride MusicFest
Monday, June 19, 2023Masterclass Taconic Music Inc.Manchester, VT
Thursday, June 08, 2023Masterclass Kinhaven Music SchoolWeston, VT
Friday, May 26, 2023Barge Music: Deborah Buck and Orli Shaham at Barge Music Barge MusicBrooklyn, NY
Friday, May 19, 2023Hudson View Gardens: Deborah Buck and Orli Shaham Hudson View Gardens Washington Heights, NYAmanda Maier, Jessie Montgomery, Clara Schumann, Johannes Brahms, Avner Dorman, Robert Schumann
Sunday, May 14, 2023Orchestra Lumos Palace Theatre, Stamford, CT
Saturday, May 13, 2023Orchestra Lumos Palace Theatre, Stamford, CT
Sunday, April 02, 2023Orchestra LumosPalace Theatre, Stamford, CT
Saturday, April 01, 2023Orchestra LumosPalace Theatre, Stamford, CT
Sunday, March 05, 2023SOLOIST w/Orchestra Lumos in Vaughan Williams: Lark Ascending Palace Theatre, Stamford, CTStamford, CT
Saturday, March 04, 2023SOLOIST w/Orchestra Lumos in Vaughan Williams: Lark Ascending Palace Theatre, Stamford, CTStamford, CT
Sunday, January 22, 2023Stamford Museum and Nature Center - Viola Quintets featuring theStamford Museum and Nature Center Mozart C Major Viola Quintet
Brahms F Major Viola Quintet
more info...
Saturday, January 21, 2023Guest Concertmaster, Youngstown Symphony, OH Youngstown, OH
Sunday, January 01, 2023Washington Friends of Music Washington, CTVivaldi and Piazzolla more info...
Saturday, November 26, 2022Taconic Music Inc.Manchester, VT Mozart Viola Quintet in C Major more info...
Saturday, November 19, 2022Orchestra Lumos Palace Theatre Stamford, CT more info...
Sunday, November 06, 2022Guest Concertmaster - Phoenix Symphony Phoenix, AZmore info...
Saturday, November 05, 2022Guest Concertmaster Phoenix Symphony Phoenix, AZmore info...
Friday, November 04, 2022Guest Concertmaster - Phoenix Symphony Phoenix, AZmore info...
Sunday, October 16, 2022Orchestra LumosPalace Theatrehttps://orchestralumos.org/new-worlds/
Saturday, October 15, 2022Orchestra LumosPalace Theatrehttps://orchestralumos.org/new-worlds/
Sunday, October 09, 2022Recital Deborah Buck and Orli Shaham Kendal on Hudson Tarrytown, NY
Friday, September 16, 2022Washington Friends of Music Concerts start at 5:30pm and are approx. 1 hour 30 min. long. Doors open at 5:00pm.
Historic Meeting House (First Congregational Church) Washington Green, 6 Kirby Road

TICKETS: at the Door $35 (cash or check only)
Advance Tickets at $30 are also available at The Hickory Stick Bookshop, Washington Depot and
at County Wine and Spirits, New Preston
Children and students FREE
The concerts are supported by a grant from Connecticut Humanities and WMNR Fine Arts Radio.
THANK YOU, CT Humanities and WMNR! Please join them and support WFM:
PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!
Supporter $50, Friend $100, Donor $250
Sponsor $500, Patron $1,000, Underwriter $5,000
THANK YOU and see you at the concerts!
Chamber Music
Friday, September 09, 2022Washington Friends of Music Washington, CT Concerts start at 5:30pm and are approx. 1 hour 30 min. long. Doors open at 5:00pm.
Historic Meeting House (First Congregational Church) Washington Green, 6 Kirby Road

TICKETS: at the Door $35 (cash or check only)
Advance Tickets at $30 are also available at The Hickory Stick Bookshop, Washington Depot and
at County Wine and Spirits, New Preston
Children and students FREE
The concerts are supported by a grant from Connecticut Humanities and WMNR Fine Arts Radio.
THANK YOU, CT Humanities and WMNR! Please join them and support WFM:
PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!
Supporter $50, Friend $100, Donor $250
Sponsor $500, Patron $1,000, Underwriter $5,000
THANK YOU and see you at the concerts!
Chamber Music more info...
Saturday, August 27, 2022Creative Paths The Woodland Maplewood ,NJ If you’re interested in pursuing a career in the creative arts, come to the Creative Paths panel discussion on August 27th at the woodland. From 1-5pm, local professional musicians, filmmakers, artists, writers and more will discuss what it takes to work in a difficult creative industry. Get the inside scoop on how successful creatives are able to tap into the passion economy and make a living doing what they love.

1-4 will be panel discussions with different types of career paths, in between live music performances. The last hour of the event will be open discussion, for networking, socializing and more questions. No admission fee, and all ages are welcome!!
Solo Bach : Sonata No. 2 in A Minor
Saturday, July 30, 2022Kinhaven Faculty ConcertsKinhaven Faculty Concerts
Saturday, July 23, 2022Kinhaven Faculty Concerts Kinhaven Faculty Concerts
Saturday, July 16, 2022Kinhaven Faculty Concerts
Sunday, July 03, 2022Telluride Music Festival
Wednesday, June 22, 2022Off the Hook Arts Chamber Music Fort Collins, CO more info...
Monday, June 20, 2022Off the Hook Arts Chamber Music Fort Collins, CO more info...
Friday, June 17, 2022Off the Hook Arts Chamber Music Fort Collins, CO more info...
Thursday, June 09, 2022Performance Class Guest at Young Artist Seminar Master Class Performance Class with Deborah Buck Weston VT
Tuesday, May 10, 2022MoMA NYC Concert MoMa Towers New York, NYBeethoven Op. 132
Sunday, May 08, 2022Stamford Symphony
Saturday, May 07, 2022Stamford Symphony
Sunday, May 01, 2022Guest Concertmaster: West Virginia Symphony Charleston, WV
Saturday, April 30, 2022Concertmaster for West Virginia Symphony Charleston, WVCarlos Simon
Sunday, April 10, 2022Stamford Symphony
Saturday, April 09, 2022Concertmaster Stamford Symphony
Sunday, March 20, 2022Stamford Symphony Stamford, CT
Saturday, March 19, 2022Stamford Symphony Stamford, CT
Sunday, March 13, 2022Four Seasons in Music Sands Point PreserveLong Island , NYBach
Gabriela Lena Frank
And more...
Sunday, February 27, 2022Celebrating Black History Month: Chamber Music Concert (StamforFirst Presbyterian Church of New Canaan 178 Oenoke Ridge New CanNew Canaan, CTDeborah Buck
Sebu Sirinian
Lois Martin
Caroline Stinson
Beethoven: String Trio Op. 9, No. 1
Florence Price: String Quartet in G Major
Beethoven: String Quartet Op. 18/3
more info...
Saturday, February 26, 2022The Roaring Twenties Revisited - Stamford Symphony Palace TheatreStamford, CTGershwin - Rhapsody in Blue
Friday, February 11, 2022Deborah Buck and Orli Shaham - Kauffman Center's Musical StorefrLincoln Center Plaza NY, NY@kaufmanmusiccenter 
Brahms: Scherzo F-A-E Sonata
Jessie Montgomery: Rhapsody No. 1 and PEACE
Beethoven: Sonata in F Major, "Spring"
Bruce Adolphe: Fantasia on Beethoven's Spring Sonata (Pop-Up Premiere)
William Grant Still: Gamin from Suite for Violin and Piano
Thursday, November 18, 2021Music for Food NYC Broadway Presbyterian NY, NY William Grant Still: Mother and Child and Gamin with Marija Stroke, piano
Fauré Piano Trio with Coleman Itzkoff, cello and Marija Stroke, piano
Beethoven String Quartet Op. 127 (Laurie Smukler, Rebecca Fischer, Rose Nelis, Natasha Brofsky)

Saturday, July 03, 2021Kinhaven Faculty Concerts Weston, VTBeethoven: Piano Trio Op. 1, No. 1
Barber: Summer Music (wind quintet)
Jessie Montgomery: Strum (quintet version)
Lou Harrison: Varied Trio
more info...
Sunday, May 02, 2021Four Seasons in Music Sands Point PreserveNYDeborah Buck, violin
Kathryn Lockwood, Viola
Raman Ramakrishnan, cello
Min Young Kim, violin
Yousif Sheronick, percussion
Lera Auerbach - Par.ti.ta, mvts 1,3,4 for solo violin
Beethoven Op. 130
Schumann a minor quartet
Ligeti cello
Giovanni Sollima Waves
Kenji Bunch Viola solo

more info...
Tuesday, February 09, 2021Stamford Symphony The DiMenna Center for Classical MusicNew York, NYSamuel Coleridge Taylor - Novelleten 3&4
Felix Mendelssohn - Sinfonia No. 9
more info...
Sunday, January 10, 2021Four Seasons in Music Sands Point PreserveNYJessie Montgomery - Rhapsody No. 1
Beethoven Op. 18/3
Dvorak "American "
William Grant Still - 5 Panamanian Dances
And more...
more info...
Sunday, December 06, 2020Stamford Symphony The DiMenna Center for Classical MusicNew York, NYJessie Montgomery - Stardust
Vivaldi - Concerto for Flute
more info...
Saturday, November 28, 2020Taconic Music Inc - Thanksgiving Concert 2020 in memory of MichaBurr and Burton AcademyBeethoven: String Trio
Mendelssohn: String Quartet Opus 44, 2
Sunday, October 11, 2020Sands Point PreserveSands Point, Long Island
Friday, July 24, 2020Kinhaven’s Concert on the Green Weston Green Weston, VTBach - 4th Suite Solo Cello: Tomoko Fujita
Paganini - 13: Deborah Buck
Marc O’Connor - When Bidden to the Wake or Fair: Deborah and Tomoko
Jean Rudy Perrault - Papa Legba: Deborah, Joana Genova Rudiakov, Ari Rudiakov, Tomoko Fujita
Dvorak - Terzetto: Deborah, Joana, Ari
Mendelssohn - Op. 12, String Quartet: Deborah, Joana, Ari, Tomoko

Thursday, February 20, 2020Music for FoodBroadway Presbyterian ChurchNew York, NYNatasha Brofsky, Artistic Director and cellist
Kristin Lee, violin
Carmit Zori, violin
Roger Tapping, viola
Carol Rodland, viola
Julia Lichten, cello
Marija Stroke Adolphe, piano

Beethoven’s “Spring” Sonata in F Major, for Piano and Violin
Ysaye’s String Trio
Dvorak’s Piano Quintet
more info...
Monday, December 10, 2018Purchase College Conservatory of Music - INTERDEPARTMENTAL CONCERecital Hall Chamber Music performed by Purchase Conservatory students from the Classical Areamore info...
Monday, December 10, 2018Purchase College Conservatory of Music Chamber Music for Piano aRecital Hall Chamber Music for Strings and Piano, performed by Purchase Conservatory students for more info...
Saturday, November 24, 2018Taconic Music Zion Churchmore info...
Sunday, November 11, 2018Stamford Symphonymore info...
Saturday, November 10, 2018Stamford Symphonymore info...
Sunday, October 14, 2018Stamford SymphonyPalace TheatreStamford, CTConcertmaster for 2017-18 seasonmore info...
Saturday, October 13, 2018Stamford SymphonyPalace Theatremore info...
Monday, September 17, 2018Lark Quartet and Romie DE GUISE-LANGLOIS, CLARINET Chamber MusiLibby Gardner Concert HallSalt Lake CityAnna Weesner Clarinet Quintet, world premiermore info...
5 SATURDAYS June 30 - July 28, 2018Kinhaven Music School Faculty Concert SeriesKinhaven Music School Faculty Concert SeriesWeston, VTChamber Music
more info...
Tuesday, June 19, 2018Lark and clarinetist, Pavel VinnitskyMoMA Towers Concert Series - Mai Family Haydn, Op. 20/2
Brahms, Clarinet Quintet
Thursday, June 07, 2018Deborah Buck Performance Class at Kinhaven Young Artist SeminarConcert HallWeston, VTmore info...
Thursday, May 03, 2018Purchase College Conservatory of Music - Chamber Music RecitalRecital HallPurchase.eduPurchase College Conservatory of Music
Interdepartmental Concert
5/5/18 at 8pm, CoM Recital Hall

Mekong Delta Blues Randall Woolf
Kathleen Law, fl
Cami Sylvia, vln
Michela Christianson, vla
Aaron Stier, vc
Jim Stagnitti, perc

Duet for Cello and Bass in D Major Gioacchini Rossini
Nicco Mazziotto, vc
Matthew Peralta, bass

Clarinet Sonata Op. 120, No. 1 Johannes Brahms
Allegro appassionato
Andante un poco adagio
Allegretto grazioso
Hyumin Lee, cl
Dr. Jennifer Undercofler, pn

21 (2009) Andy Akiho
Aaron Stier – vc, kick drum, electronics
Lucy Tarantino – marimba, tambourine

Piano Quartet in E flat Major, Op. 47 Robert Schumann
Sostenuto assai – Allegro ma non troppo
Scherzo: Molto vivace – Trio 1 – Trio 2
Andante cantabile
Lihao Li, pn
Allison Dubois, vln
Caroline Latman, vla
Kristina á Váli, vc
more info...
Sunday, April 22, 2018Stamford SymphonyPalace TheatreStamford, CTConcertmaster for 2017-18 seasonFung, Saint-Saëns, Tchaikovskymore info...
Saturday, April 21, 2018Stamford SymphonyPalace TheatreStamford, CTConcertmaster for 2017-18 seasonFung, Saint-Saëns, Tchaikovskymore info...
Monday, April 16, 2018Family ConcertSt. OlafNorthfield, MNHaydn, Op. 20/2; Wolf, Itlaian Serenade; Gershwin, 5 Songs; Zhao Long, Chinese Folk Songsmore info...
Monday, April 16, 2018Lark Quartet MasterclassSt. Olaf Music SchoolNorthfield, MNStudents performed in 8 separate masterclasses, so each member worked with two groups in this formatmore info...
Sunday, April 15, 2018Lark Quartet with special guests, the original Lark: Kay Stern, Schubert ClubSt. Paul, MNSchubert Club ResidencyWolf, Italian Serenade; John Harrison, String Quartet No. 6; Mendelssohn, Octetmore info...
Saturday, April 14, 2018Saint Paul String Quartet CompetitionSt. Paul, MNJudges for the St. Paul String Quartet Competition; a national competition for high school-age string quartets.more info...
Friday, April 13, 2018Family Concert - Schubert Club - Saint Anthony Park United ChurcSt. Paul, MNResidency Activity - Schubert ClubWolf, Gershwin, Zhao Long, Mendelssohn Octet
Saturday, March 31, 2018Taconic Music Inc.Zion Episcopal ChurchManchester, VTHaydn's Seven Last Words of Christmore info...
Sunday, March 18, 2018Stamford SymphonyPalace TheatreStamford, CTConcertmaster for 2017-18 seasonHaydn, Mendelssohn, Schumannmore info...
Saturday, March 17, 2018Stamford SymphonyPalace TheatreStamford, CTConcertmaster for 2017-18 seasonHaydn, Mendelssohn, Schumannmore info...
Sunday, February 25, 2018Stamford SymphonyPalace TheatreStamford, CTConcertmaster for 2017-18 seasonCopland, Saint-Saëns, Haydn, Brahms, Lockingtonmore info...
Saturday, February 24, 2018Stamford SymphonyPalace TheatreStamford, CTConcertmaster for 2017-18 seasonCopland, Saint-Saëns, Haydn, Brahms, Lockingtonmore info...
Thursday, December 14, 2017Lark Quartet MoMA Towers ConcertNew York, NYBeethoven, Op. 131; Haydn Op. 20/2
Saturday, December 09, 2017Stamford Symphony - Handel's MessiahBasilica of St. John the EvangelistStamford, CTConcertmaster 2017-18 seasonmore info...
Sunday, November 05, 2017Stamford SymphonyPalace TheatreStamford, CTConcertmaster 2017-18 SeasonBeethoven, Ravel, Stravinsky
Sunday, November 05, 2017Stamford SymphonyPalace TheatreStamford, CTConcertmaster 2017-18 SeasonBeethoven, Ravel, Stravinsky
Sunday, October 29, 2017Lark Quartet with the Princeton SymphonyRichardson Auditorium at Alexander HallPrinceton, NJPrinceton Symphony ResidencySchulhoff Concerto for String Quartet
Thursday, October 26, 2017Sensory Friendly ConcertPrinceton, NJ
Wednesday, October 25, 2017Lark QuartetInstitute for Advanced StudyPrinceton, NJPrinceton Symphony Residency Beethoven Op. 131; Wolf Serenade; John Harbison, String Quartet No. 6
Monday, October 23, 2017Chamber Series 4: Princeton WindrowsPrinceton, NJBeethoven, Op. 131; Wolf
Monday, October 23, 2017Chamber Series 3: Monroe Township Library MOnroe Township, NJPrinceton ResidencyBeethoven, Op. 131; Zhao Long, Folk Tunes; Wolf, Italian Serenade
Sunday, October 22, 2017Chamber Music Series 1 at Stonebridge MontgomerySkillman, NJPrinceton Residency serviceBeethoven, Op. 131; Zhao Long, Folk Tunes; Wolf, Italian Serenade
Sunday, October 15, 2017Stamford SymphonyPalace TheatreSTamford, CTConcertmaster for 2017-18 seasonGlinka, Rimsky-Korsakov, Tchaikovskymore info...
Saturday, October 14, 2017STamford SymphonyPalace TheatreStamford, CTConcertmaster for season 2017-18more info...
Monday, May 01, 2017Lark Quartet with special guests, the original Lark: Kay Stern, Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie HallNew York, NYJohn Harbison, String Quartet No. 6; Andrew Waggoner, Octet, Debussy String Quartet
Saturday, April 29, 2017Lark at CandelightCandelight Concert Society/Mendelssohn ProjectColumbia, MarylandJohn Harbison, Sixth String Quartet (world premier); Wolf, Italian Serenade; Mendelssohn, Octet with students from the prep division at Peabody Institute of Music. Radio Interview.more info...
Wednesday, April 19, 2017Lark with Todd PalmerRhode Island Chamber ConcertsProvidence, RIBrahms, Clarinet Quintet, Wolf, Haydnmore info...
Sunday, April 02, 2017Lark QuartetRed Bank Chamber Music Society Red Bank, NJmore info...
Saturday, April 01, 2017Lark Quartet at Hempstead House PreserveSands Point, NYBrahms, Clarinet Quintet; Wolf, Italian Serenade
Sunday, March 26, 2017Afternoon Music at the Unitarian Church in Summit, NJSummit, NJDebussy, Wolf, Brahms Clarinet Quintet with Todd Palmer
Monday, March 20-21, 2017Bridge Records Recording Dates: Lark Quartet with Joanne Polk, pAmerican Academy and Institute of Arts and LettersNew York, NYBridge RecordsEd Green Sextet for Piano, String Quartet, and Doublebass
Friday, March 10, 2017Lark Quartet with the Chamber Orchestra at St. MatthewsLos Angeles, CASchulhoff Concerto for String Quartet and Wind Orchestra
Friday, February 03, 2017Lark Quartet BJ Hean AuditoriumSioux City, IowaMasterclass and 2 Outreach Concerts in Sioux City area of IowaHaydn, Gershwin, Beethoven
Thursday, January 19, 2017 Chamber Music Society of Salt LakeSalt Lake, Utah12:30 Masterclass for University of Utah students in chamber musicDebussy Quartet, Beethoven Op. 131
Friday, November 04, 2016Central Vermont Chamber Music FestivalChandler Center for the ArtsRandolph, VermontBrahms, Sextet in G Major; Janacek, String Quartet No. 2; Sollima: Viaggio in Italia; Gershwin/Stanley Silverman: 5 Songs for String Quartet
Saturday, October 15, 2016 - October 21, 2016Residency with Yousif Sheronick at University of IowaUNniversity of Iowa, Iowa City, IAIowa City, IA The UISQRP continues a long tradition of fostering the highest level of string quartet playing and chamber music instruction at the University of Iowa. Each year, this exciting new program will bring nationally recognized string quartets to the University of Iowa School of Music for extended residences.
Saturday, September 24, 2016Bowdoin College at Studzinski HallStudzinski HallBowdoin, MEWolf: Italian Serenade, Zhao Long: Chinese Folk Songs, Debussy Quartet
Saturday, September 03, 2016Windham Chamber Music FestivalWindham Civic & Performing Arts CenterWindham, NYDebussy Quartet, Beethoven Op. 132
Wednesday, April 13, 2016Schubert Club - Family ConcertSaint Anthony Park United ChurchSt. Paul, MNResidency Activity - Schubert ClubGershwin, Zhao Long, Mendelssohn, Wolfmore info...
Thursday, April 10, 2014Lark About Town presented by Urban StagesBrooklyn Heights Public LibraryBrooklyn, NY 11201FREE Admission!!
Saturday, April 5, 2014Faculty Chamber Music ConcertSUNY Purchase Conservatory of MusicPurchase, NYHaydn, Brahms, Dvorakmore info...
April 14, 2012St. Vincent College Concert SeriesSt. Vincent CollegeLatrobe, PAMendelssohn, Janacek, Gershwin, Coplandmore info...
March 25, 2012Brooklyn Phil and Brooklyn Children's ChorusRoulette TheatreBrooklyn, NY
March 24, 2012Brooklyn Philharmonic and Brooklyn Youth Chorus present BrooklynRoulette Theatre: 509 Atlantic AvenueBrooklyn, NYDavid Little, Matthew Mehlan, Sarah Kirkland, Copland, Beethoven
March 4, 2012Phillip Lopate, Deborah Buck and Molly MorkoskiS. Steven Dweck Center for Contemporary Culture in the Central LBrooklyn, NYfreeGershwin, Copland, living composers in Brooklyn
March 1, 2012Phillip Lopate: Living in Brooklyn with violinist, Deborah Buck Brooklyn Heights Public LibraryBrooklyn, NYfreeGershwin, Copland, and many composers living in Brooklyn
February 25, 2012Lark Quartet and Stephen Salters, BaritoneMarket Square ConcertsHarrisburg, PABolcom, Gershwin, Wiprud, Ruehr
February 12, 2012The Lark Quartet and Stephen Salters, BaritoneA. Jess Shenson Recital Series at Stanford UniversityStanford, CABolcom, Wiprud, Gershwin,more info...
May 18, 2011RecitalMaplewood-South Orange Adult School - Black Box TheatreMaplewood, NJ
April 17, 2011Lark Quarte+ Todd Palmer at Friends of Chamber MusicKiggins Hall at the Emma Willard SchoolTroy, New YorkDeborah Buck and Basia Danilow, violins; Kathryn Lockwood, viola, Caroline Stinson, cello
March 27, 2011Brooklyn Philharmonic String QuartetBrooklyn Museum of ArtBrooklyn, NYDeborah Buck and Robin Bushman, violins; Sarah Adams, viola; Chris Finkel, cellomore info...
March 11, 2011North Eastern Pennsylvania PhilharmonicWilkes Barre, PADeborah Buck, Guest Concertmaster
February 19, 2011LARK Quarte+ with Koto Artist, Yumi KurosawaTenri Gallery
Wednesday, February 15, 2017Deborah Buck Violin RecitalRecital Hall, CoMPurchase, NYBeethoven, Szymanowsky, Corigliano, Kreisler

Aestheticize MediaWebsite Design & Photographyhttp://www.aestheticize.com/
Home - Rob Davidson Mediarob@robdavidsonmedia.comhttps://www.robdavidsonmedia.com/
400 Bad Requesthttp://www.mattdinephoto.com/
Lark Quartet - A Farewell Celebration Lark Quartet: A Farewell Celebration Bridge Records Judith Sherman, producer https://bridgerecords.com/products/9524
Bargemusic |http://BargeMusic.org
Klap Ur Handz - Lark Quartet , Endeavor Classicsclick here for more info
Lark Quartet - Music of Jennifer Higdon https://bridgerecords.com/products/9379
Orchestra LUMOShttp://OrchestraLumos.org
LARK QUARTET: Composing America | Bridge Records, Inc.The Lark Quartet's latest CD, released Feb 4thclick here for more info
Kinhaven Music SchoolDeborah Buck and Anthony Mazzocchi, Executive Directorshttp://www.kinhaven.org/
Speedy Beet | Radiolab | WNYC StudiosBeethoven, like you've never heard him before.click here for more info
Purchase College - Academic Programs - Arts - MusicConservatory of Musicclick here for more info

Other Links

Aestheticize MediaWebsite Design & Photographyhttp://www.aestheticize.com/
Home - Rob Davidson Mediarob@robdavidsonmedia.comhttps://www.robdavidsonmedia.com/
400 Bad Requesthttp://www.mattdinephoto.com/
Lark Quartet - A Farewell Celebration Lark Quartet: A Farewell Celebration Bridge Records Judith Sherman, producer https://bridgerecords.com/products/9524
Bargemusic |http://BargeMusic.org
Klap Ur Handz - Lark Quartet , Endeavor Classicsclick here for more info
Lark Quartet - Music of Jennifer Higdon https://bridgerecords.com/products/9379
Orchestra LUMOShttp://OrchestraLumos.org
LARK QUARTET: Composing America | Bridge Records, Inc.The Lark Quartet's latest CD, released Feb 4thclick here for more info
Kinhaven Music SchoolDeborah Buck and Anthony Mazzocchi, Executive Directorshttp://www.kinhaven.org/
Speedy Beet | Radiolab | WNYC StudiosBeethoven, like you've never heard him before.click here for more info
Purchase College - Academic Programs - Arts - MusicConservatory of Musicclick here for more info
For booking and all other inquires, contact Deborah Buck at:

Astor Piazzolla
Estaciones Porteñas
Primavera Portena
Deborah Buck
Deborah Buck - violin soloist
Samuel Barber
Concerto For Violin & Orchestra
III - Presto in Moto Perpetuo
Deborah Buck
Los Angeles Symphonic Camerata
David Buck
Deborah Buck - violin soloist
Arnold Schöenberg
Phantasy for Violin and Piano, Op. 47
Deborah Buck
Deborah Buck - violin
Molly Morkoski - piano
Claude Debussy
Sonata For Violin & Piano
Intermède: Fantasque Et Léger
Deborah Buck
Deborah Buck - violin
Molly Morkoski - piano
Sapo Perspesko
Turceasca, arranged for Lark Quartet by Gordon Green
Lark Quartet
Deborah Buck, Basia Danilow, violins
Kathryn Lockwood, viola
Caroline Stinson, cello
John Corigliano
Sonata For Violin & Piano
I - Allegro
Deborah Buck
Deborah Buck - violin
John Blacklow - piano
Ludwig van Beethoven
Sonata For Piano & Violin In G Major
III - Allegro Assai
Deborah Buck
Deborah Buck - violin
Robert Thies - piano
Eugene Ysaye
Violin Sonata No. 3
Deborah Buck
Giovanni Sollima
Viaggio in Italia
Lark Quartet and Yousif Sheronick
Jennifer Higdon
Piano Quintet
II. Insects
Lark with Gary Graffman
Jennifer Higdon
Piano Quintet, Scenes from a Poet's Dreams
Racing Through Stars
Lark Quartet and Gary Graffman
from Music of Jennifer Hidden - Bridge Records
Jennifer Higdon
Piano Quintet - Scenes from a Poet's Dreams
Summer Shimmers Across the Glass of Green Ponds
Lark Quartet and Gary Graffman
from Music of Jennifer Higdon
Jennifer Higdon
Piano Quintet - Scenes from a Poet's Dreams
Saw the Electric Insects Coming
Lark Quartet and Gary Graffman
from Music of Jennifer Higdon
Piano Quintet - Scenes from a Poet's dreams
In the Blue Fields They Sing
Lark and Gary Graffman
from Music of Jennifer Higdon
Paul Moravec
Paul Moravec Piano Quintet
Mvt. 1
Lark and Jeremy Denk
from Bridge Records - Composing America
Paul Moravec
Paul Moravec - Piano Quintet
Mvt. 2
Lark and Jeremy Denk
from Composing America
Paul Moravec
Paul Moravec - Piano Quintet
Mvt. 3
Lark and Jeremy Denk
from Composing America
John Adams
John Adams - John's Book of Alleged Dances
Judah to Ocean
Lark and Yousif Sheronick
from Composing America

Publicity Photos

Memories of Performances

New E-String Tuner from www.Luxitune.com

Solo Bach at Four Seasons in Music

Lark w/Laura Sewell and Ciompi Quartets

Photo Album

Chamber Music at Purchase College Conservatory of Music

Vivaldi: Autumn, from the Four Seasons
Robert Schumann Sonata No. 1 in A minor, Mvt. II - YouTube
Deborah Buck and Orli Shaham - Musical Storefronts series on 2/1
“DEBut” by John Harbison written for Deborah Buck
Deborah Buck plays LIVE Rhapsody No. 1 by Jessie Montgomery
Debbie Buck plays Lera Auerbach's Par.ti.ta - I.III.IV. Recorded
Lark Quartet plays Jennifer Higdon with Gary Graffman, Todd Palm
The Lark Quartet, Viaggio in Italia : Federico by Giovanni Soll
Youthful Gifts — Stamford Symphony Online Premiere - YouTub
Ciompi Quartet - 'Ce morceau de tissu' for Two String Quartets -
Szymanowski: Myths, La Fontaine des Artuse Jon Klibonoff, piano
FOUR SEASONS IN MUSIC: "Connected Play" - YouTube
Gandharba's Song
Deborah Buck LIVE Ysaye Sonata in d minor on Vimeo
Beethoven: “Spring” Sonata (3&4)
Michael Stern conducts Grieg's Holberg Suite for the Stamford Sy